
Учебник английского языка 10 класс восковская онлайн

to see — saw — seen. to sing — sang — sung. to speak — spoke — spoken. to swim — swam — swum.

to take — took — taken. to throw — threw — thrown. to wake — woke — woken. to wear — wore — worn. to write — wrote — written. 5. Indefinite (Simple) Active. 2. You didn't work. 2. 1 shall not work.

He doesn 't work. They didn 't write. He will not work. last year (month, cen- 1. Sometimes he meets her near the school. 2. She cleans windows every month. 3. As a rule he translates texts very well. 4. My father al- ways buys magazines in this news-stall.

5. He rarely helps his mother. They often work in the garden. 7.1 seldom write letters. 8. My brother doesn't often get good marks. 9. These books don't usually cost much. 10 They do not always bring textbooks. 1. Yesterday he read this article in the newspaper. 2. They learnt the words yesterday.

3. They left this town many years ago. 4. A week ago I lost this book. 5. Last Sunday she spent much time in the swimming pool. 6. We bought a vacuum-cleaner last week. 7. Last year they built a small house. 8. My sister did not send that letter yesterday. 9. This book didn't cost so much two years ago. 10.

They didn't write letters to me last month. 1. Tomorrow they will meet him at the station. 2.1 shall read this ar­ticle tomorrow. 3. My brother will leave this town in a week. 4. In a month this book will be more expensive. 5. He will play football in an hour. 6. Next month we shall buy a fridge.

7. She will write a letter next week. 8.1 shan't see him tomorrow. 9. In an hour he will not translate the text. 10. They will not come to us next year.

1. buys magazines in this news-stall sometimes. 2. He lost his dog yesterday. 3. They will swim in this river next summer. 4.1 usually answer the questions very well. 5. We bought a tape-recorder last year.

6. In a week she will bring me this book. 7. They don't often play com­puter games. 8.1 didn't translate the text yesterday. 9. He doesn't of­ten help his mother. 10.

They will not find that lane tomorrow.

Учебник английского языка 10 класс восковская онлайн
Учебник английского языка 10 класс восковская онлайн

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